本帖最后由 屏論 于 2021-2-1 13:31 編輯
CM201-2.xml 對(duì)應(yīng)EMMC分區(qū)表明細(xì)
mmcblk0p4_swdevinfo 設(shè)備mac、串號(hào)等信息
mmcblk0p13_swdb 認(rèn)證賬號(hào)信息
- root@Hi3798MV300:/ # reboot
- SysRq : Emergency Remount R/O
- reboot: Restarting system with command ''
- Bootrom start
- Boot Media: eMMC (Default Speed)
- Decrypt auxiliary code ...OK
- lsadc voltage min: 000001C0, max: 000001C4, aver: 000001C1, index: 0000000A
- Enter boot auxiliary code
- Auxiliary code - v1.00
- DDR code - V2.1.7 20190326
- Build: Sep 16 2020 - 16:19:21
- Reg Version: v2.2.0`
- Reg Time: 2020/09/15 10:56:11
- Reg Name: hi3798m31dml3_hi3798mv300e_LPDDR4-2133_2GB_32bitx1_2layers.re
- HPM: 0x00000126
- SVB done...
- Set cpu freq
- Boot auxiliary code success
- Bootrom success
- System startup
- Relocate Boot
- Jump to C code
- Fastboot 3.3.0 (jenkins@Jenkins-TSD02) (Sep 17 2020 - 11:12:47)
- Fastboot: Version 3.3.0
- Build Date: Sep 17 2020, 11:14:29
- CPU: Hi3798Mv300
- Boot Media: eMMC
- Found flash memory controller hifmc100.
- no found nand device.
- MMC/SD controller initialization.
- scan edges:2 p2f:5 f2p:7
- mix set temp-phase 2
- scan elemnts: startp:110 endp:104
- Tuning SampleClock. mix set phase:[02/07] ele:[11/16]
- MMC/SD Card:
- MID: 0xf4
- Read Block: 512 Bytes
- Write Block: 512 Bytes
- Chip Size: 7128M Bytes (High Capacity)
- Name: "Biwin "
- Chip Type: MMC
- Version: 5.0
- Speed: 100000000Hz
- Mode: HS400
- Voltage: 1.8V
- Bus Width: 8bit
- Boot Addr: 0 Bytes
- *** Warning - bad CRC or eMMC, using default environment
- Net: up
- Boot Env on eMMC
- Env Offset: 0x00400000
- Env Size: 0x00010000
- Env Range: 0x00010000
- Get ID_WORD lock flag : 0
- SDK Version: HiSTBAndroidV600R003C01SPC031_v2020040917
- emmc<5>
- [sw_ptable_init,114] begin
- partition addr : [0x0]
- partition addr : [0x200000, 0x100000]
- [swflash_partition_read,217]part_addr:0x200000, part_size:0x100000, offset:0x0, bytes:0xb10
- [sw_ptable_check,292]cksum [0xddba], ptable->checksum[0xddba]
- [sw_ptable_init,140] data at 0x0 is ok
- [swflash_partition_read,217]part_addr:0x300000, part_size:0x100000, offset:0x0, bytes:0xb10
- [sw_ptable_check,292]cksum [0xddba], ptable->checksum[0xddba]
- 0 fastboot 0x000000000 0x000200000
- 0 partition 0x000200000 0x000200000
- 0 recovery 0x000400000 0x001000000
- 0 swdevinfo 0x001400000 0x000200000
- 0 baseparam 0x001600000 0x000800000
- 0 pqparam 0x001E00000 0x000800000
- 0 logo 0x002600000 0x000800000
- 0 fastplay 0x002E00000 0x002000000
- 0 boot 0x004E00000 0x001000000
- 0 misc 0x005E00000 0x000200000
- 0 trustedcore 0x006000000 0x002800000
- 0 securestore 0x008800000 0x000800000
- 0 swdb 0x009000000 0x001000000
- 0 cache 0x00A000000 0x02D000000
- 0 system 0x037000000 0x040000000
- 0 userdata 0x077000000 0x14E800000
- ptable info:2M(fastboot),2M(partition),16M(recovery),2M(swdevinfo),8M(baseparam),8M(pqparam),8M(logo),32M(fastplay),16M(boot),2M(misc),40M(trustedcore),8M(securestore),16M(swdb),720M(cache),1024M(system),5352M(userdata)
- [sw_ptable_dump->252] tmp_bootargs_env=blkdevparts=mmcblk0:2M(fastboot),2M(partition),16M(recovery),2M(swdevinfo),8M(baseparam),8M(pqparam),8M(logo),32M(fastplay),16M(boot),2M(misc),40M(trustedcore),8M(securestore),16M(swdb),720M(cache),1024M(system),5352M(userdata)
- [sw_ptable_init,183] partition : ok
- sw_devinfo_init begin [sw_devinfo_init,827]
- [swflash_partition_read,217]part_addr:0x1400000, part_size:0x200000, offset:0x0, bytes:0x8461c
- [swflash_partition_read,217]part_addr:0x1500000, part_size:0x200000, offset:0x0, bytes:0x8461c
- version : [1]
- [devinfo_check,169] ok! msg->checksum:0x7bb4, crc16:0x7bb4
- devinfo_init begin [sw_devinfo_init,950]
- [devinfo_ext_check,258] ok! msg->checksum:0x0, crc16:0x0
- sw_devinfo_init OK
- [swflash_partition_read,217]part_addr:0x4e00000, part_size:0x1000000, offset:0x0, bytes:0x2000
- sw_boot_set_bootargs:Not hisilicon ADVCA image ...
- sw_ir_detect begin 500 count
- sw_ir_detect ok
- [Android_Main,39] begin
- [sw_set_gpio,128] OK
- [swflash_partition_read,217]part_addr:0x5e00000, part_size:0x200000, offset:0x0, bytes:0x10000
- boot normal!!!
- [sw_boot_set_bootcmd->375]bootm now: mmc read 0 0x1FFFFC0 0x27000 0x8000;bootm 0x1FFFFC0
- [Android_Main,86] ok
- Reserve Memory
- Start Addr: 0xFFFE000
- Bound Addr: 0x8DAF000
- Free Addr: 0xF0E4000
- Alloc Block: Addr Size
- 0xFBFD000 0x400000
- 0xF8FC000 0x300000
- 0xF8F9000 0x2000
- 0xF878000 0x80000
- 0xF876000 0x1000
- 0xF775000 0x100000
- 0xF476000 0x2FE000
- 0xF0F0000 0x385000
- 0xF0EE000 0x1000
- 0xF0E4000 0x9000
- [abortboot,110] begin
- [abortboot,113] close loader keyed
- MMC read: dev # 0, block # 159744, count 32768 ... 32768 blocks read: OK
- 142121984 Bytes/s
- Check Hisilicon_ADVCA ...
- Not hisilicon ADVCA image ...
- Found Initrd at 0x04E00000 (Size 752963 Bytes), align at 2048 Bytes
- ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 020007c0 ...
- Image Name: Linux-3.18.24_hi3798mv310
- Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
- Data Size: 9462220 Bytes = 9 MiB
- Load Address: 02000000
- Entry Point: 02000000
- Loading Kernel Image from 0x33556480 to 0x33554432 ... OK
- OK
- There are some conflict between "booargs" and "bootargs_2G".
- The param "mem mmz " in "bootargs_2G" will be ignored.
- ATAGS [0x00000100 - 0x000004D4], 980Bytes
- Starting kernel ...
- Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
- hi_eth: hieth_mdiobus_read,73:mdio busy
- hi_eth: no dev probed!
- >>> init /home/zhangchaoyang/SDK/Hi3798Mv300H_new/device/hisilicon/bigfish/sdk/source/kernel/linux-3.18.y/drivers/usb/usbir/usb-ir.c usb_usbir_init
- >>> init /home/zhangchaoyang/SDK/Hi3798Mv300H_new/device/hisilicon/bigfish/sdk/source/kernel/linux-3.18.y/drivers/swgpios/swgpios.c swgpios_init
- swgpios Get GPIO function failed!
- init: /init.bigfish.rc: 55: invalid command 'getprop'
- init: /init.bigfish.rc: 114: invalid option 'sdcard_r'
- init: /init.bigfish.rc: 239: invalid option '//add'
- init: /init.bigfish.rc: 399: invalid command '//insmod'
- init: /init.bigfish.rc: 404: invalid command '//insmod'
- init: /init.bigfish.rc: 406: invalid command '//insmod'
- init: /init.bigfish.rc: 407: invalid command '//insmod'
- init: /init.bigfish.rc: 408: invalid command '//insmod'
- init: /init.bigfish.rc: 425: invalid command '//insmod'
- init: /init.swnetwork.rc: 61: ignored duplicate definition of service 'release_eth0'
- init: /init.swnetwork.rc: 76: ignored duplicate definition of service 'release_wlan0'
- init: /init.swnetwork.rc: 86: ignored duplicate definition of service 'release_ppp0'
- init: could not import file '/init.sunniwell.rc' from '/init.rc'
- init: /dev/hw_random not found
- init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
- init: e2fsck /dev/block/platform/soc/by-name/system
- init: e2fsck /dev/block/platform/soc/by-name/userdata
- init: e2fsck /dev/block/platform/soc/by-name/swdb
- init: e2fsck /dev/block/platform/soc/by-name/cache
- init: /dev/hw_random not found
- init: [devinfo] name:mac,value:
- init: [devinfo] name:serialno,value:
- init: [devinfo] name:secureline,value:100
- init: [devinfo] name:deviceid,value:
- init: [devinfo] name:WiFiHide,value:1
- init: sw_properties_init end..
- healthd: wakealarm_init: timerfd_create failed
- init: cannot find '/system/bin/rild', disabling 'ril-daemon'
- init: cannot find '/system/bin/dbus-daemon', disabling 'dbus'
- init: cannot find '/system/bin/teecd', disabling 'teecd'
- init: cannot find '/system/bin/frontPanel', disabling 'frontPanel'
- init: cannot find '/system/bin/mtkbt', disabling 'blueangel'
- init: cannot find '/system/bin/dtvserver', disabling 'dtvserver'
- init: cannot find '/system/bin/gpio-led', disabling 'gpio-led'
- init: cannot find '/system/bin/usb-driver', disabling 'usb-driver'
- healthd: No charger supplies found
- init: property 'sys.powerctl' doesn't exist while expanding '${sys.powerctl}'
- init: powerctl: cannot expand '${sys.powerctl}'
- init: property 'sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes' doesn't exist while expanding '${sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes}'
- init: cannot expand '${sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes}' while writing to '/proc/sys/vm/extra_free_kbytes'