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發(fā)表于 2018-4-26 12:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式 | 來自北京

Send command:    getinfo spi
no find spi

Send command:    getinfo nand
Block:2MB Chip:8GB*1 Page:8KB OOB:32B ECC:40bit/1k
ID:0x2C 0x64 0x44 0x4B 0xA9 0x00 0x00 0x00

Send command:    nand erase 0

NAND erase: device 0 whole chip

Erasing at 0x0 --   0% complete.
Erasing at 0x5000000 --   1% complete.
Erasing at 0xa200000 --   2% complete.
Skipping bad block at  0x0b400000                                          

Skipping bad block at  0x0b600000                                          

Erasing at 0xf400000 --   3% complete.
Erasing at 0x14600000 --   4% complete.
Erasing at 0x19800000 --   5% complete.
Erasing at 0x1ea00000 --   6% complete.
Erasing at 0x23c00000 --   7% complete.
Skipping bad block at  0x24a00000                                          

Skipping bad block at  0x24c00000                                          

Skipping bad block at  0x24e00000                                          

Skipping bad block at  0x25000000                                          

Erasing at 0x28e00000 --   8% complete.
Erasing at 0x2e000000 --   9% complete.
Skipping bad block at  0x30000000                                          

Skipping bad block at  0x30200000                                          

Skipping bad block at  0x30400000                                          

Skipping bad block at  0x30600000                                          

Skipping bad block at  0x30800000                                          

Skipping bad block at  0x30a00000                                          

Erasing at 0x33200000 --  10% complete.
Erasing at 0x38400000 --  11% complete.
Erasing at 0x3d600000 --  12% complete.
Erasing at 0x42800000 --  13% complete.
Erasing at 0x47a00000 --  14% complete.
Erasing at 0x4cc00000 --  15% complete.
Skipping bad block at  0x4fc00000                                          

Skipping bad block at  0x4fe00000                                          

Skipping bad block at  0x50400000                                          

Skipping bad block at  0x50600000                                          

Erasing at 0x51e00000 --  16% complete.
Erasing at 0x57000000 --  17% complete.
Erasing at 0x5c200000 --  18% complete.
Erasing at 0x61400000 --  19% complete.
Erasing at 0x66600000 --  20% complete.
Erasing at 0x6b800000 --  21% complete.
Erasing at 0x70a00000 --  22% complete.
Erasing at 0x75c00000 --  23% complete.
Erasing at 0x7ae00000 --  24% complete.
Erasing at 0x7fe00000 --  25% complete.
Erasing at 0x85000000 --  26% complete.
Erasing at 0x8a200000 --  27% complete.
Erasing at 0x8f400000 --  28% complete.
Erasing at 0x94600000 --  29% complete.
Erasing at 0x99800000 --  30% complete.
Erasing at 0x9ea00000 --  31% complete.
Erasing at 0xa3c00000 --  32% complete.
Erasing at 0xa8e00000 --  33% complete.
Erasing at 0xae000000 --  34% complete.
Erasing at 0xb3200000 --  35% complete.
Erasing at 0xb8400000 --  36% complete.
Erasing at 0xbd600000 --  37% complete.
Erasing at 0xc2800000 --  38% complete.
Erasing at 0xc7a00000 --  39% complete.
Erasing at 0xccc00000 --  40% complete.
Erasing at 0xd1e00000 --  41% complete.
Erasing at 0xd7000000 --  42% complete.
Erasing at 0xdc200000 --  43% complete.
Erasing at 0xe1400000 --  44% complete.
Erasing at 0xe6600000 --  45% complete.
Erasing at 0xeb800000 --  46% complete.
Erasing at 0xf0a00000 --  47% complete.
Erasing at 0xf5c00000 --  48% complete.
Erasing at 0xfae00000 --  49% complete.
Erasing at 0xffe00000 --  50% complete.
Erasing at 0x105000000 --  51% complete.
Erasing at 0x10a200000 --  52% complete.
Erasing at 0x10f400000 --  53% complete.
Erasing at 0x114600000 --  54% complete.
Erasing at 0x119800000 --  55% complete.
Erasing at 0x11ea00000 --  56% complete.
Erasing at 0x123c00000 --  57% complete.
Erasing at 0x128e00000 --  58% complete.
Erasing at 0x12e000000 --  59% complete.
Erasing at 0x133200000 --  60% complete.
Erasing at 0x138400000 --  61% complete.
Erasing at 0x13d600000 --  62% complete.
Erasing at 0x142800000 --  63% complete.
Erasing at 0x147a00000 --  64% complete.
Erasing at 0x14cc00000 --  65% complete.
Erasing at 0x151e00000 --  66% complete.
Erasing at 0x157000000 --  67% complete.
Erasing at 0x15c200000 --  68% complete.
Erasing at 0x161400000 --  69% complete.
Erasing at 0x166600000 --  70% complete.
Erasing at 0x16b800000 --  71% complete.
Erasing at 0x170a00000 --  72% complete.
Erasing at 0x175c00000 --  73% complete.
Erasing at 0x17ae00000 --  74% complete.
Erasing at 0x17fe00000 --  75% complete.
Erasing at 0x185000000 --  76% complete.
Erasing at 0x18a200000 --  77% complete.
Erasing at 0x18f400000 --  78% complete.
Erasing at 0x194600000 --  79% complete.
Erasing at 0x199800000 --  80% complete.
Erasing at 0x19ea00000 --  81% complete.
Erasing at 0x1a3c00000 --  82% complete.
Erasing at 0x1a8e00000 --  83% complete.
Erasing at 0x1ae000000 --  84% complete.
Erasing at 0x1b3200000 --  85% complete.
Erasing at 0x1b8400000 --  86% complete.
Erasing at 0x1bd600000 --  87% complete.
Erasing at 0x1c2800000 --  88% complete.
Erasing at 0x1c7a00000 --  89% complete.
Erasing at 0x1ccc00000 --  90% complete.
Erasing at 0x1d1e00000 --  91% complete.
Erasing at 0x1d7000000 --  92% complete.
Erasing at 0x1dc200000 --  93% complete.
Erasing at 0x1e1400000 --  94% complete.
Erasing at 0x1e6600000 --  95% complete.
Erasing at 0x1eb800000 --  96% complete.
Erasing at 0x1f0a00000 --  97% complete.
Erasing at 0x1f5c00000 --  98% complete.
Erasing at 0x1fae00000 --  99% complete.
Erasing at 0x1ffe00000 -- 100% complete.
request to erase 0x200000000, and erase 0x1fe000000 successfully!

上一篇:三星IconX 2018耳機單憑續(xù)航贏得了消費者的認可?
下一篇:運動的必備神器——三星Gear IconX2018專屬你的私人教練
發(fā)表于 2018-4-26 13:06 | 只看該作者 | 來自四川
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使用道具 舉報

發(fā)表于 2018-4-26 13:26 | 只看該作者 | 來自廣東
我記得有個壞塊檢測的選項 你找找看  另外為什么要擦除呢
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使用道具 舉報

 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2018-4-26 17:20 | 只看該作者 | 來自北京
hao501802766 發(fā)表于 2018-4-26 13:26
我記得有個壞塊檢測的選項 你找找看  另外為什么要擦除呢

回復(fù) 支持 反對

使用道具 舉報

發(fā)表于 2018-6-22 14:16 | 只看該作者 | 來自河南
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使用道具 舉報

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