本帖最后由 2391127139 于 2018-4-6 21:38 編輯
芯片:S905M-B Nand 刷了論壇里的包,不開(kāi)機(jī)了。
TE: 122693108
BL2 Built : 20:58:54, Jul 12 2017.
gxl g4bbe26f-dirty - liang.yang@droid11-sz
Board ID = 8, adc=620
set vcck to 1070 mv
set vddee to 1070 mv
CPU clk: 1200MHz
Can't match board id, use default ddr_set[0]
DDR type: DDR3-ID
DQS-corr enabled
DDR scramble enabled
DDR3 chl: Rank0+1 @ 792MHz - FAIL
DDR3 chl: Rank0 @ 792MHz - PASS
Rank0: 1024MB(auto)-2T-11
TE: 123280123
BL2 Built : 20:58:54, Jul 12 2017.
gxl g4bbe26f-dirty - liang.yang@droid11-sz
Board ID = 8, adc=618
set vcck to 1070 mv
set vddee to 1070 mv
CPU clk: 1200MHz
TE: 123437868
BL2 Built : 20:58:54, Jul 12 2017.
gxl g4bbe26f-dirty - liang.yang@droid11-sz
Board ID = 8, adc=619
set vcck to 1070 mv
set vddee to 1070 mv
CPU clk: 1200MHz
Load fip header from USB, src: 0x0000c000, des: 0x01400000, size: 0x00004000
New fip structure!
Load bl30 from USB, src: 0x00010000, des: 0x01100000, size: 0x00007400
Load bl301 from USB, src: 0x00018000, des: 0x01200000, size: 0x00002200
Load bl31 from USB, src: 0x0001c000, des: 0x10100000, size: 0x00019400
Load bl33 from USB, src: 0x00038000, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x000de200
NOTICE: BL3-1: v1.0(debug):27d2eea5
NOTICE: BL3-1: Built : 14:56:35, Mar 24 2017
aml log : bl31 normal boot !
[Image: gxl_v1.1.3090-c2794da-dirty 2017-06-23 15:25:47 yun.cai@droid03]
bl30: check_permit, count is 1
bl30: check_permit: ok!
chipid: ef be ad de d f0 ad ba ef be ad de not ES chip
efuse init ops = e2
efuse init hdcp = c, cf9=7
[123.874360 Inits done]
INFOs: BL3-1: Initializing runtime services
WARNING: No OPTEE provided by BL2 boot loader
ERROR: Error initializing runtime service opteed_fast
INFO: BL3-1: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world
INFO: BL3-1: Next image address = 0x1000000
INFO: BL3-1: Next image spsr = 0x3c9
.tUa-sBko ostt a2r0t1!5
01hi-ggh3 bt9a5sfk8 as-tdairrtt!y
1(loJwu lt a2s9k 2s0t1a7r t-!
Starting uboot
gpio: pin GPIOCLK_1 (gpio 99) value is 1
gpio: pin GPIOAO_6 (gpio 106) value is 1
[MSG]MMC init in usb
aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x000000003b67ddb0
aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x000000003b67ff40
SDIO Port B: 0, SDIO Port C: 1
Try USB burn
Set Addr 31
Get DT cfg
Get DT cfg
Get DT cfg
set CFG
tplcmd[ echo 12345]
[MSG]ret = 0
BULKcmd[ low_power]
tplcmd[ download mem dtb normal 260096]
[MSG]Down(mem) part(dtb) sz(0x3f800) fmt(normal)
[MSG]totalSlotNum = 0, nextWriteBackSlot 4
[MSG]Burn Start...
[MSG]load dt.img to 0x0000000001000000, sz=0x3f800
[MSG]Burn complete
BULKcmd[download get_status]
BULKcmd[disk_initial 1]
emmc/sd response timeout, cmd = 8
emmc/sd response timeout, cmd = 55
emmc/sd response timeout, cmd = 1
EMMC init failed
boot_device_flag : 1
Nand PHY Ver: (c) 2013 Amlogic Inc.
init bus_cycle=6, bus_timing=7, system=5.0ns
NAND device id: 2c 44 44 4b a9 0 0 0
detect NAND device: D revision NAND 4GiB MT29F32G08CBADA
JEDEC: luns_per_chip 1, blocks_per_lun 2128, total_blocks 2128
nand: Support for Randomizer MODE
XXXXXXX======enter NAND boot======XXXXXX
boot_device_flag : 1
Nand PHY Ver: (c) 2013 Amlogic Inc.
init bus_cycle=6, bus_timing=7, system=5.0ns
NAND device id: 2c 44 44 4b a9 0 0 0
detect NAND device: D revision NAND 4GiB MT29F32G08CBADA
JEDEC: luns_per_chip 1, blocks_per_lun 2128, total_blocks 2128
nand: Support for Randomizer MODE
bus_c=6,bus_t=7,sys=4.0ns,[250 Mhz],T_REA=16,T_RHOH=15
new oob mode
0: nfboot
detect new nand here and new_type:50
NAND CKECK:arg nbbt: valid=1, blk=4, page=0
NAND CKECK:arg fbbt: valid=1, blk=5, page=0
outside dtb: 000000003f755f90
NAND CKECK:arg ndtb: valid=0, blk=0, page=0
found NO arg : ndtb info
NAND CKECK:arg nkey: valid=1, blk=6, page=33
start_blk =0,total_blk=2128
nand erasing 0 % --10 % complete
protect nand_bbt info at blk 4
chipenv block skipping!!!!!!!0x4
protect fbbt at blk 5
chipenv block skipping!!!!!!!0x5
protect nand_key info at blk 6
chipenv block skipping!!!!!!!0x6
bad block skipping!!!!0x5a
bad block skipping!!!!0x5b
nand erasing 10 % --20 % complete
nand erasing 20 % --30 % complete
nand erasing 30 % --40 % complete
nand erasing 40 % --50 % complete
nand erasing 50 % --60 % complete
nand erasing 60 % --70 % complete
nand erasing 70 % --80 % complete
nand erasing 80 % --90 % complete
nand erasing 90 % --100 % complete
bad block skipping!!!!0x838
bad block skipping!!!!0x839
nandphy_init failed and ret=0xffffffff
nand_init failed ret:1
command: amlnf init 1 <- 3
boot_device_flag : 1
Nand PHY Ver: (c) 2013 Amlogic Inc.
init bus_cycle=6, bus_timing=7, system=5.0ns
NAND device id: 2c 44 44 4b a9 0 0 0
detect NAND device: D revision NAND 4GiB MT29F32G08CBADA
JEDEC: luns_per_chip 1, blocks_per_lun 2128, total_blocks 2128
nand: Support for Randomizer MODE
bus_c=6,bus_t=7,sys=4.0ns,[250 Mhz],T_REA=16,T_RHOH=15
new oob mode
0: nfboot
detect new nand here and new_type:50
NAND CKECK:arg nbbt: valid=1, blk=4, page=0
NAND CKECK:arg fbbt: valid=1, blk=5, page=0
outside dtb: 000000003f755f90
NAND CKECK:arg ndtb: valid=0, blk=0, page=0
found NO arg : ndtb info
NAND CKECK:arg ncnf: valid=0, blk=0, page=0
found NO arg : ncnf info
aml_key_init probe.
NAND CKECK:arg nkey: valid=1, blk=6, page=33
nand dtb: probe.
NAND CKECK:arg ndtb: valid=0, blk=0, page=0
found NO arg : ndtb info
partition-> partiton_num 2
partition-> partiton_num 9
partition-> partiton_num 1
name ncnf, size:3248
nfboot : 0x000000000000-0x000000800000 :partn=0:single_chip single_plane
nfcache : 0x000006800000-0x000037000000 :partn=2:single_chip multi_plane
nfcode : 0x00003d800000-0x000054000000 :partn=9:single_chip multi_plane
nfdata : 0x000091800000-0x00006e800000 :partn=1:single_chip multi_plane
[MU]Micron LLD for U-Boot - Built: Jul 29 2017, 18:27:14
[MU]Found NAND device [0]: 2C 44 44 4B A9 00 00 00
[MU]Unique ID: EE67F3D491480060FF00FF00FF00FF00
[MU]NAND Device: MT29F32G08CBADBWP - 4 GiB (Randomizer Capable)(SLC2MLC Capable)
[MU]ztebsp: device_model=MT29F32G08CBADBWP
Micron FTL for U-Boot - Built: Jul 29 2017@18:27:14
[MU]SBL operating in Stealth Mode!
[MU]SBL Binding: Scanning for Existing Map...
[MU]Binding Error: Scan could not Locate Map!
[MU]SBL Binding: Scanning Blocks in All NAND Devices...
[MU]Scanning Blocks O.K.
[MU]SBL Binding: Selected Map Blocks - 2127, 2126
[MU]SBL Binding: Transferring Erased Blocks to Binding Map...
[MU]SBL Binding: Transfer O.K.
[MU]SBL Binding: Marking Remaining Blocks as Defects...
[MU]SBL Binding: Mark Defects O.K.
[MU]SBL Binding: Entering Binding Map Locations into Map...
[MU]SBL Binding: Entering Binding Map Locations O.K.
[MU]SBL Binding: Generating Page Sharing Map...
[MU]SBL Binding: Generating Page Sharing Map O.K.
[MU]SBL Binding: Writing Binding Maps to FLASH...(Total 1035 Super Blocks)...[MU]O.K.
[MU]Spare Blocks:
[MU] 084c
[MU]MFTL Binary Translation Version 2017-04-13
[MU]MFTL Build Options:
[MU] Supporting OSP Data
[MU] Using Upper-Page Skip Limit 16
[MU] U-Boot Build
[MU] SBL Utilizing LLD Extensions
[MU] FTL Buffers = 2098 KB
[MU]Logging Off-System Programmed Data:
[MU] Scanning for OSP Blocks...
[MU] OSP Blocks Located - 1 Blocks
[MU] Logging OSP Data...
[MU]Logging Duplicate of LBA 576012!
FTL: Failed to Initialize! Return Code: -7
FTL Initialization Failed!
Full FTL initialization Failed (-1)!
amlnf_add_nftl failed and ret=0xffffffff
nand_init failed ret:ffffffff
amlnf - aml nand sub-system
amlnf init - init amlnand_phy here
chipinfo - show aml chip information
device[dev] - show or set current device
partition* [part] - show or set current partition
plane[dev] - show or set current plane mode
read - addr off|partition size
write - addr off|partition size
read/write 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off'
to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks.
erase[clean|whole][off size] - erase 'size' bytes from
offset 'off' (entire device if not specified)
dump addr off
show the raw data to addr at offset off
read_byte - addr off|partition size
write_byte - addr off|partition size
read_byte/write_byte 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off'
to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks.
deVRead - addr off|partition size
devwrite - addr off|partition size
read/write 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off' in device[dev]
to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks.
deverase[whole][off size] - erase 'size' bytes from
offset 'off' (entire device if not specified) in device[dev]
markbad addr - mark block bad at addr
mark_reserved reserved_blk_NO -mark reserved_blk_NO bad
ldevice[dev] - show/get nftl(logic) device by name
rom_read/write addr off cnt - read/write uboot.
boot - show boot flagdtb_read/write addr cnt - read/write dtd.
dtb_erase - erase dtb!
key_read/write addr cnt - read/write dtd.
key_erase - erase keys!
store - STORE sub-system
store store init flag
store read name addr off|partition size
read 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off'
to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks.
store write name addr off|partition size
write 'size' bytes starting at offset 'off'
to/from memory address 'addr', skipping bad blocks.
store rom_write add off size.
write uboot to the boot device
store erase boot/data:
erase the area which is uboot or data
store erase dtb
store erase key
store rom_protect on/off
store scrub off|partition size
scrub the area from offset and size
store dtb iread/read/write addr <size>
read/write dtb, size is optional
store key read/write addr <size>
read/write key, size is optional
cmd [store] init failed