本帖最后由 山陰路的夏天 于 2018-3-7 10:59 編輯
網(wǎng)絡ADB連接不上 adb devices 顯示 offline
TTL 設置:115200 8 1 無 無 無 ?。?br />
可以從TTL 里命令: reboot recovery 進入recovery,
![]() ![]() ![]()
Relocation Offset is: 015FF000
[AT][MB][start ub][0]
U-Boot 2011.06-00000-gc97de7b-dirty (Oct 12 2017 - 16:00:49)
Function = SYSOpen, Line = 814, current resource pri_shm content is: 0
Function = SYSOpen, Line = 833, [SYS INFO] OPEN INSTANCE...
create instance at 2D7F7DF0 with private size 128 bytes at 2D7F7E38
[MIU INFO] miu opencreate instance at 2D7F7EC0 with private size 84 bytes at 2D7F7F08
create instance at 2D7F7F60 with private size 48 bytes at 2D7F7FA8
uboot held at [2D5DDF60~2E900000],size=013220A0
DRAM: 233 MiB
Now running in RAM - U-Boot at: 2DE00000
eMMC: HS200 200MHz
eMMC 7.28 GB [E8FFF8h]
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
MAC: 0x78: 0x68: 0xF7: 0xF5:0x13: 0xD0
[CPU INFO] cpu opencreate instance at 2D808418 with private size 44 bytes at 2D808460
CPUIoctl - MDrv_CMD_CPU_QueryClock
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[tu]: `xV4
[AT][MBoot][Driver Init][0]
Changelist: 00112233
============= set bootargs ===============
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
** Bad Signature on 0:15: expected 0x5840, got 0x0000
userdata size : 0x5150605312
fore uup IRKey [0xFF]
RST_GPIO...[do_bootcheck][1249]... RST_GPIO_LEVEL = [1]
AC on
!!! [do_audiopreinit] Skip Power Music !!!
create instance at 2D808768 with private size 344 bytes at 2D8087B0
MsDrv_PNL_Init:Bypass SetDivison
[MApi_XC_MLG_GetStatus, 2436]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MApi_XC_Init() first
create instance at 2D808910 with private size 1912 bytes at 2D808958
no need to patchcreate instance at 2D8090D8 with private size 96 bytes at 2D809120
create instance at 2D809188 with private size 340 bytes at 2D8091D0
_gHPDGpioPin = 0xF
start hdmi, hdcp init
[CPU INFO] cpu opencreate instance at 2D809328 with private size 44 bytes at 2D809370
CPUIoctl - MDrv_CMD_CPU_QueryClock
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[tu]: `xV4
[ERROR] msHdmitx_Disp_Init:1242: CHeck EDID fail 1 times!
[ERROR] msHdmitx_Disp_Init:1242: CHeck EDID fail 2 times!
[ERROR] msHdmitx_Disp_Init:1242: CHeck EDID fail 3 times!
[ERROR] msHdmitx_Disp_Init:1242: CHeck EDID fail 4 times!
[ERROR] msHdmitx_Disp_Init:1242: CHeck EDID fail 5 times!
[ERROR] msHdmitx_Disp_Init:1242: CHeck EDID fail 6 times!
[ERROR] msHdmitx_Disp_Init:1248: EDID NOT READY!
[ERROR] msHdmitx_Disp_Init:1248: EDID NOT READY!
force to HDMI mode!
MApi_HDMITx_GetEdidDataBlocks_U2::EDID is NOT valid yet!!
MApi_HDMITx_GetEdidDataBlocks_U2::EDID is NOT valid yet!!
DAC Panel Table Index =4
上一篇: 【Yes固件】創(chuàng)維mstar9280通刷固件20180301體驗版下一篇: 移動機頂盒打不開