求助 求助:中興的ZXV10B760E(H) 有WIFI,開機(jī)停在 中國移動 界面不動了,跑碼跟蹤 顯示如下內(nèi)容,最好 定位在 -- System halted 這里,,是不是 磚了????程序不能繼續(xù) 運(yùn)行下去了。
以下是盒子開機(jī)后的 跑碼內(nèi)容。
new RSA
format 2
Fformat 2
U-Boot 2009.08-svn34659 (Apr 24 2015 - 19:07:48) V0020
dram_init to config green led on
PDWNCIOMUX gpio is 73
NXP B.V. - MT85XX SoC with ARM1176JZF-S
[emmc_initialize] U-Boot MTD eMMC init!
[emsdc_initialize] 8580 At 0x7000b000 config 1 pwr 1
EMMC_MSDC: <CKGEN_AgtEnableClk > Enable EMSDC dram Clk !
[print_emmcinfo] Device: EMMC_MSDC
[print_emmcinfo] Manufacturer ID: 0x90
[print_emmcinfo] CARD/BGA ID: 0x1
[print_emmcinfo] OEM: 0x14a
[print_emmcinfo] Name: H4G1d
[print_emmcinfo] product SN: 0xa269d4
[print_emmcinfo] Tran Speed: 25000000
[print_emmcinfo] Rd Block Len: 512
[print_emmcinfo] MMC version 4.0
[print_emmcinfo] High Capacity: Yes
[print_emmcinfo] Capacity: 3728 MBytes
[print_emmcinfo] Bus Width: 4-bit
[emmc_initialize] Init Done!
[start_armboot] eMMC card initialize success !!!
[_i_get_upg_status_in_nand]upg status passed from preloader
Using default environment
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
head sig : 0xa0b0ead1
version : 1
boot type : 0
dram ch1 : 0x20000000
dram ch2 : 0x20000000
kern addr : 0x5ea12d32
initrd addr : 0x8ec25242
initrd size : 0x00000000
enable bim two way write.
boot type:[0]
Bootloader version 7433
is_upg_flag =0
_v_set_boot_args _bootargs_buf =root=/dev/ram0 rw console=ttyMT0 kgdboc=ttyMT0 m em=1024M mt85xx_reserve=751M,17M drvmem=378M,195M vmalloc=240M vmalloc=240M
_v_set_boot_args bootargs=root=/dev/ram0 rw console=ttyMT0 kgdboc=ttyMT0 mem=102 4M mt85xx_reserve=751M,17M drvmem=378M,195M vmalloc=240M vmalloc=240M
MMC: [msdc_initialize] 8580 At 0x70009000 config 1 pwr 1
get_board_type called
gpio:105 0
gpio:104 0
gpio:103 0
gpio:102 1
gpio:101 0
hw Ver:0x02
Board: BOARD_TYPE_M3_02 Ver:0x02
board_led_init to LED_PIN_POWER_GREEN on
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
config partition ethaddr=3C:DA:2A:D6:6C:10
setup_bootenv env_boardtype=2
to get safe kernel
to run cmd =emmc read 0 01efc964 06800000 00000400
MMC read: dev # 0, addr # 6800000, byte count 0 ... 32505864 blocks read: OK
sizeof(struct header) =96
sizeof(bt_img_hdr) =608
header offset =96
imag crc = 0x6f2e
kernel_size =3129276 kernel_addr=0x10008000 ramdisk_size=0x319081 ramdisk_addr= 0x11000000 page_size=2048
read_length =6381664 KernelSize=3129344 InitrdSize=3250176
to run cmd =emmc read 0 2e000000 06800000 00616200
MMC read: dev # 0, addr # 6800000, byte count 0 ... 32505864 blocks read: OK
sum1 = 0x14D1.
sum2 = 0x14D1.
imag crc calcute =0x2eeb
u4_kernel_addr =2e000860 u4_initrd_addr=2e2fc860
r_args_to_uboot.u4_initrd_addr 0x1f:0x8b:0x8:0x0
bootargs=root=/dev/ram0 rw console=ttyMT0 kgdboc=ttyMT0 mem=1024M mt85xx_reserve =751M,17M drvmem=378M,195M vmalloc=240M vmalloc=240M initrd=0x2e2fc860,0x0031980 0
^^^^^^^^^^^test test^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
bootargs=root=/dev/ram0 rw console=ttyMT0 kgdboc=ttyMT0 mem=1024M mt85xx_reserve =751M,17M drvmem=378M,195M vmalloc=240M vmalloc=240M initrd=0x2e2fc860,0x0031980 0 safe_kernel=V729036 2016-12-10 boardtype=2 mac=3C:DA:2A:D6:6C:10 boot_revision =V0020 boot_revision=V0020 quiet
^^^^^^^^^^^end end end^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
do_mt85xx_boot called
_v_do_mt85xx_boot_nand u4_kernel_addr=2e000860
_v_do_mt85xx_boot_nand 111
_v_do_mt85xx_boot_nand 222 boot_cmd=bootm_zImg 0x2e000860
Starting kernel ...
03.797 Uncompressing Linux...
Compressed data violation
-- System halted