本帖最后由 智能小檸檬 于 2023-3-26 20:15 編輯
create instance at 2D136038 with private size 44 bytes at 2D136088
create instance at 2D1360B8 with private size 124 bytes at 2D123D18
[ERROR] CheckEnterRecoveryTiming:4033: CHeck EDID fAIl 1 times!
[ERROR] CheckEnterRecoveryTiming:4033: CHeck EDID fail 2 times!
[ERROR] CheckEnterRecoveryTiming:4033: CHeck EDID fail 3 times!
[ERROR] CheckEnterRecoveryTiming:4033: CHeck EDID fail 4 times!
[ERROR] CheckEnterRecoveryTiming:4033: CHeck EDID fail 5 times!
[ERROR] CheckEnterRecoveryTiming:4033: CHeck EDID fail 6 times!
[ERROR] CheckEnterRecoveryTiming:4037: EDID NOT READY!
create instance at 2D123D98 with private size 1888 bytes at 2D123DE8
no need to patch[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 1 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 2 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 3 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 4 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 5 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 6 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:651: EDID NOT READY!
Force to HDMI mode!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 1 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 2 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 3 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 4 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 5 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 6 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:651: EDID NOT READY!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 1 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 2 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 3 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 4 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 5 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 6 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:651: EDID NOT READY!
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
B InColor = 2, OutColor = 2
DAC Panel Table Index =5
video idx = 0x6, color depth = 0x0, TMDS clock = 74
setHDMITxAnalogTuning: Error: MApi_HDMITx_GetRxDCInfoFromEDID EDID is not ready, at 798
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 1 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 2 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 3 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 4 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 5 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:647: Check EDID fail 6 times!
[ERROR] _getHDMIRxEdidStatus:651: EDID NOT READY!
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
DACOUT_480I ----
create instance at 2D124550 with private size 392 bytes at 2D1245A0
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = tx
MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = tx
Panel Library mismatch(04), please update to version 03
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][418]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=720, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=480
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][420]u16HTotal=857,u16VTotal=524,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=857,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=524, u16DefaultVFreq=600
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][480]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=720, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=480
[_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][482]u16HTotal=857,u16VTotal=524,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=857,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=524, u16DefaultVFreq=600
DAC Panel Table Index =0
create instance at 2D124730 with private size 1888 bytes at 2D124780
no need to patch[MDrv_HDMI_CreatePathInternal, 5188]No instance existed, please get an instance by calling MDrv_HDMI_init() first
DACOUT_480I ----
shift 0 pixels in NTSC mode
[Utopia][MIU]: [HAL_MIU_MaskReq][1379][Utopia][MIU]: Not support client ID:90!
[Utopia][MIU]: [HAL_MIU_UnMaskReq][1424][Utopia][MIU]: Not support client ID:90!
[Hal_VE_EnableDI][1388] bEnable = 0, bIsDNR2VE = 0
B InColor = 2, OutColor = 2
dPixel_Clk=74s RGB only
video idx = 0x6, color depth = 0x0, TMDS clock = 74
create instance at 2D124EE8 with private size 296 bytes at 2D124F38
[AT][MB][bootlogo begin][0]
mmc change mount : tvconfig
Size of file "boot_recovery.jpg" from mmc device 0 partition tvconfig: 33267 bytes
Loading file "boot_recovery.jpg" at offset 0x0 from mmc device 0 partition tvconfig
33267 bytes read
create instance at 2D12E648 with private size 312 bytes at 2D12E698
[AT][MB][JPD Decode][0]
[UTOPIA INFO] close moduleNames[35]: MODULE_NJPEG_EX
[showLogo] GOP Boot Logo Index 0
create instance at 2D12E648 with private size 1732 bytes at 2D12E698
create instance at 2D12ED60 with private size 11195 bytes at 2D12EDB0
create instance at 2D131970 with private size 1888 bytes at 2D1319C0
[ERROR] MsDrvGOP_Show:575: No such env: hdr_status
[AT][MB][Show Logo][0]
###### Android Verify Boot 2.0 ######
avb_vbmeta_image.c:59: ERROR: Magic is incorrect.
avb_slot_verify.c:973: ERROR: vbmeta: Error verifying vbmeta image: invalid vbmeta header
image-android-sig.c:302: Android Verify Boot 2.0 fail, AvbSlotVerifyResult: 6
pc : [<2B4014F0>] lr : [<2B487340>]
sp : 2B400FB8 ip : 1F006000 fp : 00000000
r10: 00000000 r9 : 2B646664 r8 : 00000080
r7 : 2BB648C0 r6 : 2BB605C0 r5 : 1F222600 r4 : 000003B3
r3 : 0000003F r2 : 00000040 r1 : 004001B3 r0 : 00100000
Flags: Nzcv IRQs off FIQs on Mode ABT_32
Data abort........