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樓主: sntemwong
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發(fā)表于 2020-10-27 09:39 | 只看該作者 | 來自陜西
本帖最后由 libao 于 2020-10-27 09:41 編輯

樓主,我使用擦除全器件了,現(xiàn)在刷上系統(tǒng)后一直重啟。Tuning datastrobe[1,15],set[8],type[0]
MMC/SD Card:
    MID:         0x15
    Read Block:  512 Bytes
    Write Block: 512 Bytes
    Chip Size:   7456M Bytes (High Capacity)
    Name:        "8GME4R"
    Chip Type:   MMC
    Version:     5.1
    Speed:       150000000Hz
    Mode:        HS400
    Voltage:     1.8V
    Bus Width:   8bit
    Boot Addr:   0 Bytes

Boot Env on eMMC
    Env Offset:          0x00100000
    Env Size:            0x00010000
    Env Range:           0x00010000

SDK Version: HiSTBAndroidV600R002C00SPC031_v2016051915

Security Begin Read RSA CRC Key in USB disk!
Security Read RSA CRC Key in USB disk failed, length is -1
get chipid =37980200
get chipType (Hi3798CV200)
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
check_rckey_recovery->keyUpdateCount:0, keyClearCount:0, keyEnterFactoryCount:0,                      keyEnterRecovery:0, keyBurnCount:0, responseType:0
g_EnvFlashAddr:0x100000, g_EnvFlashPartionSize:0x10000
CA_flash_open_addr,334: Open addr, enFlashType: 0x00000002
CA_flash_open_addr,334: Open addr, enFlashType: 0x00000002
HI_CA_Verify_BootPara,412: Check BootPara authenitication is ok
CA_CMD_VerifyBootParaByPartName,50: verify success
CA_CMD_AdvcaAuthByPartName,78: advca_verify: kernel
pstImgInfo->length = 0x2e656c75
Attempt to write outside the flash handle area, flash handle size: 0x02800000, o                      ffset: 0x00000000, length: 0x2e656c00
CA_flash_read,248: HI_Flash_Read partion kernel error
HI_CA_AdvcaVerifyByPartName,433: run CA_flash_read((HI_CHAR*)pPartionName,0ULL,(                      ImgInfo.length+CH_NOVEL_HEAD_LEN),(HI_U8*)u32RamAddr, HI_NULL) failed, ERRNO:0xf                      fffffff.
CA_CMD_AdvcaAuthByPartName,79: run HI_CA_AdvcaVerifyByPartName((HI_U8*)argv[1],                       u32RamAddr, NULL) failed, ERRNO:0xffffffff.
HI_Android_Authenticate,592: Fail to verify kernel!
resetting ...

System startup

Relocate Boot

Jump to C code

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發(fā)表于 2020-10-27 09:42 | 只看該作者 | 來自陜西
Tuning datastrobe[1,15],set[8],type[0]
MMC/SD Card:
    MID:         0x15
    Read Block:  512 Bytes
    Write Block: 512 Bytes
    Chip Size:   7456M Bytes (High Capacity)
    Name:        "8GME4R"
    Chip Type:   MMC
    Version:     5.1
    Speed:       150000000Hz
    Mode:        HS400
    Voltage:     1.8V
    Bus Width:   8bit
    Boot Addr:   0 Bytes

Boot Env on eMMC
    Env Offset:          0x00100000
    Env Size:            0x00010000
    Env Range:           0x00010000

SDK Version: HiSTBAndroidV600R002C00SPC031_v2016051915

Security Begin Read RSA CRC Key in USB disk!
Security Read RSA CRC Key in USB disk failed, length is -1
get chipid =37980200
get chipType (Hi3798CV200)
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
get rc key fail, continue next loop
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 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2020-10-27 10:21 | 只看該作者 | 來自廣東
libao 發(fā)表于 2020-10-26 20:49

我也在研究,可能行得通的方法,1找能解高安boot的軟件,解后查看內(nèi)部文件,或者提取內(nèi)核移植到其他機器 2試試找1002 1004 1006等同樣的機器的包來刷,3機器電路上一定有記錄一些信息的小儲存芯片,例如8腳的幾M的芯片,可以取下來后放編輯器上讀取信息  能力有限只能想到這么多,這東西要是到售后那邊估計也就是幾分鐘搞定的事
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發(fā)表于 2020-10-27 11:39 | 只看該作者 | 來自陜西
sntemwong 發(fā)表于 2020-10-27 10:21
我也在研究,可能行得通的方法,1找能解高安boot的軟件,解后查看內(nèi)部文件,或者提取內(nèi)核移植到其他機器  ...

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發(fā)表于 2020-10-30 18:33 來自ZNDS手機版 | 只看該作者 | 來自北京
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 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2020-10-30 22:05 | 只看該作者 | 來自廣東
rinnng8 發(fā)表于 2020-10-30 18:33
樓主,刷好純潔系統(tǒng)可以恢復出廠設置么?電視家3打開就閃退,而且總出現(xiàn)有權查看使用情況的應用窗口 ...

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